Save Yourself
from Pain and Suffering
Many spend their health to gain wealth,
then spend their wealth to regain HEALTH!
Let me explain:
Your body functions through organs, like the heart, lungs, kidneys, spleen and liver.)
Organs are made of tissues.
Tissues are made of cells.
Each cell is a unit.
If the cells of an organ are damaged, the organ malfunctions. Then you can get sick, suffer pain, and perhaps die prematurely.
A sick organ can often be healed if the damaged cells are REPAIRED or REMOVED, AND REPLACED with new, healthy cells.
That is why it is said, healthy cells make a healthy body.
Here's HOW.
In the middle of each cell is DNA. It's the blueprint or code of life, and carries your heredity.
It perceives your body's needs.
DNA acts like a command center. It tells the cells how to function properly.
Your body uses DNA as a SELF-HEALING mechanism.
Your heart beats while you sleep, without you consciously telling it to. Other systems in your body also function without you directing them.
When you cut yourself, your body heals itself without you directing it.
Every day trillions of cells inside your body are constantly functioning to keep you alive.
And about 2 trillion cells divide and replicate every day.
Your body is AMAZING!
For example:
The cell linings in the intestine replace themselves every 7 days.
A red blood cell lives about 120 days and without billions of new cells producing blood, your immune system would collapse.
Forty thousand skin cells die each hour.
Learn More:
Your body needs materials to repair and replicate your cells. The building blocks of nucleic acids like DNA and RNA are NUCLEOTIDES.
Your cells need lots of NUCLEOTIDES to:
1. REPAIR damaged DNA in your cells
Every day thousands of DNA are damaged, removed, and replaced in every cell.
DNA are damaged every day by the sun's UV rays, radiation from gadgets (cellphone, computer or TV), food additives, chemicals, stress, pollution, drugs, pollution in food, water and air, old age and many other environmental factors.
Damaged DNA can lead to tumors, cancer, and many other kinds of diseases.
If you don't generate new cells to replace the millions of cells that die every day, your organs and IMMUNE SYSTEM WEAKENS.
Then your immune system malfunctions and can't identify and kill disease-causing viruses, bacteria, fungi and other harmful things in your body.
As you get older, your body's capacity to repair itself LESSENS because of NUCLEOTIDE deficiency.
It takes over 40 billion Nucleotides for a cell to divide and replicate!
Imuregen, from the Czech Republic, is the only CLINICALLY TESTED functional food supplement that supplies NUCLEOTIDES (with amino acids, peptides and oligopeptides, organic minerals and vitamins).
It is reputed to be "Europe's best-kept secret for health and longevity,"
It's the product of over 30 years of research and over 2 thousand research and clinical studies!
Imuregen is available in capsules or liquid, and is also available as effervescent tablets called ImunPlus. (20 tablets per tube).
Just drop 1 effervescent tablet into a pint of water.
It tastes great!
It's not a drug, so you can't overdose and there are no side effects. It's Great for young or old.
You don't have to spend all your wealth to regain your HEALTH!
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For more info and HOW To GET IMUREGEN -
Call Jim Krage